Sunday, April 14, 2019

Week of April 13th

Mark Your Calendars
Monday April 22nd No School

In Curriculum This Week
extra, dress, beside, teach, happen, begun, collect, file, provide, sight
stood, fixed, fix, born, goes, does, Tuesday, hold, drill, army
pretty, stole, income, bought, paid, laid, said, enter, railroad, unable

This week we will dive into the world's of Brer Rabbit, Peter Rabbit


  • Adding ones
  • Adding tens
  • Adding two 2-digit numbers
  • Subtracting ones without renaming
This week we take a closer look at our planet Earth. We will discuss its geographical features, the layers of its crust and the mantle and core.

We continue to read through Lewis, Clark and Me which recounts the journey of Lewis and Clark through the eye's of Lewis's dog Seaman.

Though the weather has warmed please remember that cold and flu season is still in full swing. If your child has a fever he or she will need to stay home until they have been fever free for 24 hours. We encouraging children to keep their hands clean at school. If you  wish to help in this endeavor we are accepting sanitizer and sanitizing wipes.

The First Grade Team