Sunday, January 6, 2019

Week of January 7th

Welcome back first grade families! We hope you all enjoyed your time off with your little ones. It is so hard to believe that we are already half way through first grade and a week into 2019! I am looking forward to all that lies ahead, and this week am feeling grateful to welcome routine back into my life.

Mark your Calendars:
Conferences Monday-Wednesday after school
Club Registration January 7-11
No School January 21st

This semester we will introduce agendas in the first grade. Your child will still receive the cover sheet listing homework, in addition they will copy it into their agendas and this will need to be signed nightly. Next year your child will rely solely on the agenda for homework. Please reach out via email if you have further questions.

Monthly word test no homework Monday
name, room, hope, same, glad, with, mine, chair, forgot, guess
hang, meat, house, phone, store, supper, through, toe, became, brother

We will be finishing Frog and Toad, with a focus on summarizing and story elements.

We will take a look at numbers to 40, counting and writing number words.

This week we will begin presenting our animal reports. We will also learn about pollution and the food cycle.

We will begin our unit on Early Settlers and Explorers. We will learn about Sir Walter Raleigh, the lost colony of Roanoke and Jamestown.

In Partnership,
The First Grade Team