Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week of November 6th

Hello 1A Families!
I hope you all had a restful weekend and were able to enjoy the nicer weather we have been having! Thank you so much for dressing up your children and donating your time and supplies last week for Character Day! Our scholars had the best time celebrating the books that they love, these things would not be possible without all of your dedication and support and I am so grateful for you all.

This is a busy quarter and we have more excitement coming your way! Please remember to get out and grab the appropriate attire for the fall concert which will be taking place at the Higley Center for the Arts on the evening of November 16th. If you have any questions please reach out to myself or our music teacher Mrs. Boswell.

This year all first grade classes will be presenting a Thanksgiving play. Our class will be performing from 9:00-10:00 am on November 21st in the MPR. All children will have speaking parts that they will be reading from a script for the play. On the day of the play please send your child to school wearing his or her "concert" attire. Our liaisons are busy preparing simple costumes and props that they will be given the day of. If you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

This upcoming week:
No school on Friday 11/10 Veteran's Day Observed

h, l, j, k, m, n, p, r, t, ai, oy, oi, er, ir, ur, wor, ear, ng, ea

inside, blue, post, town, stay, grand, outside, dark, band, game
boat, rest, east, son, sun, help, hard, race, cover

*This week we only have 20 words. Practice test will be Wednesday and test will be Thursday.

Puss in Boots and The Princess and the Pea
Poem: Thanksgiving Day by Lydia Maria Child


We are wrapping up ancient Egypt. This week we will learn about King Tut the "boy king"
