Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week of October 2nd

It has been such a pleasure serving you and your children this first quarter, it truly has flown by! Please remember that the Read-A-Thon is going on for the month of October. All proceeds will fund the library, and there are so many fun incentives for your children, we greatly appreciate your participation in this exciting event. The book fair will be held in the library this week. Your children may purchase books before or after school or during their regularly scheduled library time. Due to the book fair children will NOT be checking out library books this week, but are encouraged to return any checked out items during this time. A gentle reminder that Friday is a half day and children will be dismissed at 12:30. We hope you all enjoy a safe and fun fall break!

Please sign up for a conference time at conferences are mandatory and children are not permitted to attend. If you have a scheduling conflict please reach out to me directly. Children return to school on the 18th.

Thank you to Mrs. Norton and Mrs. Ashcraft for taking on the liaison position for 1A this year! They are working hard at getting the volunteer and supply sign up going. I will post the link to the blog as well and hope to see you in the classroom soon!

In the classroom this week:

e, h, l, j, k, m, n, p, r, au, or, ck, wh, ed, ew, ui, oa, gu, ph

white, spent, foot, feet, blows, blow, block, spring, river
planted, plant, cut, song, sing, sang, sung, winter, stone, free
lake, lace, page, nice, end, fall, went, back, away, paper

Cinderella Around the World

Addition and subtraction with two digit numbers

Electricity: electrical currents and safety

Ancient Egypt: pyramids and mummies

Here are a few fun pictures from our exploration of electrical circuits in science this week: