Monday, August 21, 2017

Week of August 21st

Monday students will be viewing the eclipse live from the classroom. If you are planning to come observe it in person with your child please remember your drive line number. Parents may begin to arrive at 9:30 and you will be greeted in the MPR and your child will be sent to meet you. Glasses will be passed out to the students. As of now we do not know how many extra we will have and cannot guarantee all adults will be given a pair.

A packet will be sent home every Monday and needs to be returned the next Monday.
  •  Overall homework for first grade: 30-45 min.
    • Includes reading, spelling and math
  • Math: Workbooks will be checked daily, please send daily
  • Reading: 15 min of read-aloud nightly
    • Student level book will be found in the Reading bag
    • Please fill out the Reading log each night
    • Read to your child occasionally so they hear an experienced reader
  • Spalding: sent in the Green folder Monday to due back the next Monday
    • In Homework Folder 
    • Proper practicing of phonograms and words

Language Arts:
We are reading Aesop Fables. Each day we read a new fable and talk about the lesson or moral the characters have learned. We try to help students make connections with the story to their own life through asking questions so they have a greater understanding of what Aesop was teaching. This week we will read The Maid and the Milk Pail, The Fox and the Grapes, The Boy who Cried Wolf and The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs.

We are still memorizing the poem The Catepillar and reviewing the saying Treat others the way you want to be treated.

In Spalding we are going to be learning 25 new words. We will be working on learning the silent e and all the jobs it has. Please make sure you are taking time to practice the phonograms at home.

 We will be finishing their exploration of number bonds.  We will begin learning the meaning of addition and exploring addition equations.  Your child will relate number bonds to addition and using story problems to look at addition sentences.  

We will be continuing to learn about the eclipse and taking time Monday to view it. We will also begin learning about atoms and molecules. We will create a project to have an understanding of protons and electrons.

We are continuing to learn more about Mesopotamia. We will discuss what a civilization is and how they begin. We will talk about the Gate of Ishtar and how it was constructed and about cuneiform writing.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in plastic baggies, wipes and tennis balls! Your support is greatly appreciated.