Sunday, March 4, 2018

Week of March 5th

It is already March and Field Day and Spring Break are right around the corner! My time with your children has flown by! Here a few things you can expect in the coming weeks:

3/8 Field Day
Tye died shirts will be sent home and should be worn to school on Field Day. If you have signed up to help or donate items thank you so much. And thank a special thank you to Mrs. Koester for taking on the task of dying our shirts this weekend! You can still sign up to help or donate at Field Day Sign Up

3/12-3/16 Spring Break No School

y, z, a, c, d, f, g, o, s, qu, ng, ea, aw, au, or, ck, wh, ed, ew
happen, begun, collect, file, provide, sight, stood, fixed, fix, born
goes, does, Tuesday, hold, drill, army, pretty, stole, income, bought
paid, laid, said, enter, railroad, unable, ticket, account, driven, real

Whinnie the Pooh

Divison: test Friday

Early Settlers and Explorers: test Thursday

Outer space and the Solar System